About project
Over 150 years of research at Prague Castle have resulted in dozens of publications and new insights into the history of this important site, but first and foremost the discovery of monuments hidden in many parts of the castle. Fragments of earlier buildings and archaeological sites document the complicated development of the castle. Some of the archaeological areas are accessible today, others are hidden from the public.
One of the largest and most important is the area under St Vitus’ Cathedral and the so-called Small and Large Excavations under the Third Courtyard, which are among the oldest explored areas and were originally planned to be accessible. Later, areas around other buildings were created: Chapel of the Virgin Mary, St George’s Basilica and Convent and the Old Royal Palace. In addition to the striking ensembles of monuments mentioned above, which are presented in this app, there is evidence in various parts of the castle, especially for older construction phases of the fortification, which were never expected to be presented and which are largely inaccessible today.

The mobile application was financed with the support of TAČR ETA, project TL03000603 “Hidden Beneath the Surface: Archaeological Terrains of Prague Castle, their Protection and Presentation in the Modern World.” and the AV 21 Strategy programme “The City as a Laboratory of Change”.
Licensing arrangements:
All materials contained in this application are protected by internationally recognized copyright and intellectual property laws. You are permitted to use the materials only for approved purposes, which are educational, academic, scientific or private interest of the user. They are strictly non-commercial and only permitted with acknowledgement of the source © Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague, v.v.i. – Prague Castle Archaeological, unless otherwise stated on our website. Where material is the intellectual property of third parties, these licence conditions do not apply and permission from the owner must be sought. You are not allowed to infringe the intellectual property rights of the authors. It is not permitted to damage, modify, or take any other action that compromises the reputation of the author in relation to the materials. We are committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of visitors to this application.
Application implementation:
Development: Václav Minařík, Pavel Havrlant, Milan Doležal
Research team: Jana Maříková-Kubková, Iva Herichová
Geodetic sources: Zdeněk Indra, Jiří Brablc – Geoton CZ; Jiří Šindelář, Bohuslav Vácha, Eva Stuchlíková – Geo-cz
3D models: Vojtěch Dvořák, Pavel Havrlant
Translation: Tomáš Mařík
Production: Sylvie Novotná
Photographs: Jan Gloc, Martin Frouz, Sylvie Novotná, Tomáš Berger, Institute of Archaeology, Prague, Prague City Museum, Prague City Museum
Data preparation: Hilbertinum, z. s. – Kamil Hilbert Society
The authors would like to thank Chronea Works for their consultation and the Premedis Foundation for their support.